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The Columbus Telegram from Columbus, Nebraska • 1

The Columbus Telegram from Columbus, Nebraska • 1

Columbus, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The lumbus Democrat. VOL. VII. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, FKIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1880. NO.

33. CO -caLLISTEK yM. EDWARDS, M.D., The Most Fastidious Connoiseurs OFFER EXJBAORMMftRY! ttorneys at Law THE TRIFLER. JV(ffr light (la air A rt to thfjrnhu confirmation ittronij An proofs Aiiy writ." 1 COU'MHUS, XKBRASKA. Physician Surgeon, K.STEK, XK1UIASKA.

mi stiiirs. in McAllister's Bulldlne. Strt-M. I'LKAHE Till: I'AIATIW BY 0AI.I.INO AT THK RESTAURANT C. .1.

(1A1SUIW. iiicci.ns. 2,000 MILLS, 200 CENTS, Full Line of Drugs, Paints, Oils and Notions always on hand. Cmupany Io Insurance -OF- A passenger on No. 3 the other day viewing tho water tower, remarked: "That is tho largest smoke stack I ever saw.

What kind of a manufactory is going up there?" Bystander. "Oh, that is a tower on which we are going to place a statue ofWorrlok tho Great tho guardian angel of IMatte county the watch dog of our interests, as it were." They do say that President Cleve itorncys at Iaw, COLUMBUS, NKBiiAtSKA. ml inlty iiiiulo of CollcM'tions by C. J. (jar JTJCHER'S EARLY AUSTIN, OX TWELFTH ST.

Between Nebraska Ave. and Olive Streets. Meals at All Hours. J.O. HKEllKlt.

Is the place to go fortbe land has procured a big rag doll, and LLIVAN EEEDEB. Best Whisky on Earth Only the Finest Brands of OYSTERS Handled. OYSTERS on The Half Shell is practicing walking tho floor with it. Well, welll And he's not been married six months yet! Maybo tho Argun will believe our ttorneys at Law, The Finest Wines made. The Choicest Cigars Ml ITAlSlfllUL'.

COLUMHCS, NKBKASKA. The Leading Bakery of the City story about putting up tho stove pipe without swearing, when he in Connection. II. li. COWDKKY.

MACFAKLAX1). I KOTAir Put. learns that tho editor took no part in COUECTOt. JOHNJ.MACKEN IVOXICX3! Great Reduction! In tbo Price of tho work. kCFARLAND COWDEEY, Now that winter is about to set in, IN- Collection Agents, MILWAUKEE BOTTLED BEER, the rage for cooking societies is springing up all over the land among the ladies of ton.

The most amusing part conies in when they get down to COLirMHUB, NKIiltAXKA. P. S5 hold In large or small quantities, mid delivered free to any part of the city, at per ease. JOS. HENGGELEK.

0. G. BOWMAN, business. They all want to dally Choice Wines, LIQUORS AND CIGARS- First Class Goods a Specialty. with pastries and cookies and usually fiorney at Law, COLUMBIA, KKIS.

P. J. SCHMITZ, Dealer In "kick" about meats and other substantiate. A real good cook who is teaching class, will not humor them, but make them prepare chickens, turkeys, etc. Their lack of litwiiii'ss i-ntriisli'(l to my care will ro- -ALSO A- liroiiipl intention, WINES, LIQUORS FEED STABLE, knowledge of chicken anatomy or turkeyology is often laughable.

They Us. a. speice, For the convenience of patrons and the traveling public. often refer to parts of tho birds in such delicate terms as tho chicken's AND CIGARS. torney at Law.

COI.UMHUS, NK11. L'ivi' oroniDt attention to ull "bustle," the turkey's "bosom," and PLATTE CENTER, NEBRASKA. others more euphonious than Bar Alien ok Supplied With flm Hunt. nti'tistt'd to lii in. Bounty, pension iintl asi-s promptly fitti'iuleU to.

"That was great schemo of Presi GEO. SCHEIDEL, N. 11th Street, COLUMBUS. NISiSHASKA. f.

J. scum (ocurcHcn mzT.) dent Cleveland's," remarked a street comer phtlosopher to Trifler recently. "To what do you refer?" I asked the s. p. "Why, his marrying DKALUIt IN Ls.

MARTY SCHUG. COLUMBUS (Lr. S. Examining Columbus, Neb. And the Surgeons U.

1'. li. 0. N. li.

11. li. so young woman. She will In all probability outlive him twenty years, at least. The United States will give her a pension of live thousand a year Sayings Bank, after his death, which will amount to a hundred thousuud dollars in twenty EVANS, M.

7sician Surgeon. Loan Trust Company. years. It was a great scheme. There COLUMHUS, NUB.

should bo a law preventing presidents marrying women so much younger than themselves." -The s. p. then i Uliick '8 building, Eleventh stroet.V AND CIGARS My Feed Stable is open for the convenience of the public. Satisfaction guaranteed. ioiswprpil niirht.

nr ihiv. Tilinhon Capital fiStooU, fell Into his usual avocation of whit munitions with nil portions ot tlie city i tling an empty dry goods box, und I passed on. Weekly Herald RUNNER, M. When Jim IJluine tells any ono that Nehhanka. ho is not a candidate for the presl- OFFICERS: A.

ANDERSON, President. C. H. SHELDON, Vice President. O.

T. ROEN, Treasurer. ROBERT UHLIG, Secretary. KKliltVSKA. icney in 1888, It is said ho nervously At: iIIkpiisps find (iispRsfs of pbilrtrmi a.

COLUrVIBUS thumbs a curd bearing tho following ty. Otiico three doors north of First ail Bunk. inscription J. OHAS. WILLY, Wilt receive time deposits from $1 and anv I AM SOMETHING OF A LIAtt.

MYSELF, Bomo day h-'ll meet, a fm w(th i umLMMt 1. .,...1 ...411 II The Best Local Paper published (tiiiviiin uMfti ua uiiu yi 111 p.ij inn uuntuiiiary rate of interest. UTSCHER ARZT, card reading: rin Platte County and one of the besv 13'b are prepared to make loans on farm properties at lie lowest rate ol Oolumbua, Nebraska, on Kloventh street. ConsulUitions in liny municioal bonds or any kind of securl Metropolitan Weeklies in the State, lies. 1 fli, Kroneh mid German.

for the subscription price of one paper MILTON MEADE, alone. Call on or address THE DEMO I CRAT, P. O. Building, Columbus, Nebr. pciani Surgeon.

a 02 Keeps a full stock of MARBLE WORKS. YOU UxCAIl THAT UEPUTATION. It is seldom that true mrit Is recognized and rewarded in this day ami ago of this cold, ungrateful world. But thero are occasional oases in a man's lifo. Tho noble Worrick whom Trifler sought to immortalize Inst week, has eausod us to think lifo is not all a Sahara.

lie evidences his appreciation by tho following: Argus Ofllce, Platte Center, November 15th, 188(5, Hin Trifler: Please send to the undersigned one dozen copies of The Democrat, last Issue, and greatly oblige, Yours under, infinite obligations, ORRICK." Accompanied by bill for same. "Ha, Trifler! hast thou Indulged In mine host Wandel's delicious beef tea?" "No, my friend, I drink Tom and FAINTS, OILS, WISHES, ETC. bj Ragatz Co. riutte Center, Nebraska. H.

TEDROW, BEARDSLEY 4 JEWELL, Proprietors AftrTortyir' DK ALICI'S IN- iprinco in th The only Mnrblc Work In Flnlle o. retiarniion or mors hurl (ln Superintendent wTm mm US jq i i -o- Thonnnnr appHmtfnnR for paUnta la ilia ii Vi'e handle nil standiird praiVsof marble and tne unnea ma.AB ana rnraign ooun triea. tlia Diililtaiiera of tha Hciantlfla erainte, Doni Miri'iirn and Ainerlean, Kmploy COIXM11US, SK1U1ASKA. lit my ofllce In the Court House on 'I Hntui'iliiy of each month to examine American continue to aot aa aoiicitora for patenta. oaTnats.

trado-marka. oonr- I hp iuom SKineii woiKiiien, ami will compete with any Marble Works hi Uin state. riirllla. forlha United NtalM. anil Call and see our work whether von are ready to buy or not, or if not convenient, send us your address and we will send prices wr call on Jerry," BANK OF SILVER CREEK.

"Thu grave dissembler! Come, let NII.VKK CHKKK, JiF.II. you. We are also prepared to furnish Building Stone, by the ton or carload. us to his parlor, and there indulge in P'. Moekbee, Banker, those warm beverages to our hearts' leal Estate, Loan Insurance Agent, content." to obtain pai.onla in Canada, England, France, Germany, anil all other ooiintriea Their experience ia unoqualed and their faoilitlea art uuaur paased.

llrawlnm and pflclfloatlnna prepared and Sled In the I'aient KIHoe on ahort notice. 'I'ernie Terr reaHonahle. Mo oharue for examination ol uodela cr drawing Advice hy mad free Patent ohtainpd lltrotiffh on A Oo.are noticed Inthe IKVI IKIC AMKIUCAIV.vhioh haa the larxeHt circulation and ia the moat influential newapaper of tta kind puhliahed in the world. The advantages of auoh a notice every patentee underatanda. Thia larva and anlendldlv illnatrated newapanep la pulillMied WKKKIiVat .1.00 a year, and ia admitted to he the bent paper devoted to acienoe.

mechanics, invention, engineering works, ana other departments of Jnduitrial progress, pub lialied in any conn try. It contalna the names of all paten teea and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for on dollar. Bold by all newsdealere. If you have an invention to patent writ to Munn nubliahera ol Scientific Amsrloao.

Ml Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed frse. a Alas tho fato of interviewers has 1Uh St. South of Depot, Columbus, Neb been mine. The noble Worrick claims paid on Time Deposits.

Collect Ions H)'- burglar und I'ire-I'roof Safe, with -k. 'MAN NATENSTEDT, Kstjibllsbed, I Tprm, Ofi fluus Kstnbllsbeil, May 1, lHWl. 1 errns Lays. -j M(iy imii to have been misrepresented in my article of last week. He says tho jt (f) i ST (g iS i 5 CD O- 1 I ffi i 2.

I At 1 km JOHN S. ALBRIGHT, Wholesale Dealer In achsmithing, Seed Havana Cigars, WAGON UKPAIHIXO. statement that ho is responsible for the defeat of the republican candidate for county attorney, and caused the court house proposition to bo snowed under, is true, but he denied being to blame for Arnold's fish pond not fill NA.MK Or IJHAN11 RKKII. ft a) mid made to order. Mhop t.

east of Abts' barn. Ziira I'rle per fTl COU'MHUH, NKIIKAHKA. inaiienia, 2r l'ansv HloHsom First Kose 2" 2C OTQ Thk Omaita Wbicklt IlKitALDtlve months for only twenty-flvo cents. This time covers the campolgn and election returns and the most interesting NAMKOK 11KANDH HAVANA. Hosa Dora I'rlce per KACKEN, PEA I.Kit IN W'l domestic lfuhHiia, 60 (luiiiui me nrocreuiiiBs oi me next Congress.

The Hehalo has the latest 5 per cnt itif for cash, HeadouarU'rs: dottier House. Hnlosroom on irtfinvf run A i rrn vC R. C. BOYD, Uleventh street, bet. Neb.

Ave. and Olive HI. ing up with water. One of the most dreadful ularnis that can bo founded in a mother's earls produced by croup; dreadful, because it is known to bo dangerous; tho most dreadful because tho lifo of a loved one Is in jeopardy. Chamberlain's Cough llemedy is a never fall-ing safeguard ugalnst this dangerous disease.

It reputation as a preven- flvnnrwl rmrn fit ormih fnll.r rwl nun most reiianto maricot re)0its compare it with all others on this point and it is the newsiest and best COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. ke Beer, nnd Dublin Stout. llTH COMIHIM'H, NKH. wut-Kiy paper puonsneu anywnere. It is full of live western enterprise.

Try it; you will like it. auncy or MalHil'actiuerof GEORGE WAGNER'S NT aUHVKYORi CELEBRATED 11th STREET, in Sheet Iron Ware! Rock Island Beer! SEND THE MIMES and ADDRESSES OF YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST To tint lindnralKfimt, Hild tin will innll tlietin copy of the II. M. It, K. I'miiphlet do.

arrlptlv of the) BROKEN BOW COUNTRY, together with lrgn map ot NbruaUa. P. S. EUSTIS Cid'I Fui. ud Ticket Igt.

OMAHA, NEB. firmly established. In fact it Is tho only remedy that enn always be relied upon. Sold by Dowty Helt-kemper. ii kirn' Arnlcit Native.

The Best Sal in the world for Cuts, Bruises, (Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever Kores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, CoriiH, and all Hkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Isguarauteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Wale by Dowty lleitkemper. P.ANDEftSON, Agent.

Job Work, Roofing and Guttering A Specialty. by iimllproinptlyattended to. NKItKASKA, Builder, r'nilcr, and Ilrldgc Iron short notice. rilnfurr Brrt Enprrlallu for Family Ui. NEBRASKA.

COLUMBUS, Free DelWery to any part of the. City. All orders will receive prompt atten tion. Keer Depot on lUlh Everybody subscribe for TIIH Htreet. Copies of The Df-MocnAT can be found on tho counters of It.

Hartman and E. 1). I'ltzpatrick. i-ir-siinn r.n OIIti! Street, i doors north of DEMOCRAT. P.O.

Box 11.1. Ilrodfeulirer's Jewelry tre..

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